
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

new habit for February

As today is the beginning of a new month,
it is time to get a new habit.
Last month I mentioned that I was not doing the resolution,
but introducing a new habit every month.
For January it was one fruit at every meal, a goal of 3 a day.
Well it is not perfect, I am still working on that one,
but there is improvement.
I realized it was harder than I thought,
and that I could use some help.
So I made a weekly chart, like for little kids to help them do homework/house chores,
where each day I would write down each fruit eaten,
and gave myself a star or not....!
To make it more complete I also added my work out,
aiming for 30 min every day.
Well like with the kids I keep it posted on the fridge
and it is helping ... a lot!

So for this month, I am adding 8 glasses of water as my new habit.
I know it does not seem like Earth moving or anything 
(a good thing by the way, earthquakes are scary!)
but it will be a good change.

Here is a copy of my weekly chart:

I think it is working!

Happy day!

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