
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

dolls at the ranch

Summer is winding down,
the girls enjoyed their stay-cation,
and hanging out in the backyard in their swimsuit,
but they were ready for some adventure,
so to the ranch they went.

Miss C. like most little girls is a fan of horses.
She is over My Little Pony and other pink little creatures,
but definitively not over horses.

Last Christmas, she received a horse for her dolls,
 a good looking black and white paint horse (our generation from target)
and the AG riding outfit (we mix target/AG/homemade)

So for her birthday, I made her a fence for her horse,
with a large opening so that a girl could ride her horse out of the fence,
kind of like a ranch, after all my daughter was born in the South West,
in the land of riding horses on turquoise trails.

It turned out it was a great idea, since one of her girlfriends gave her quarter horse foal,
and her aunt (another horse passionate) gave her the western riding outfit.
It all came at the perfect time.

I might still make a stable to go with the ranch,
but it takes a lot of space,
and the mommy and baby horses seem happiest in the field!

It was a great day, nothing like horses to make the day special!

Miss C. did not get to ride a horse,
but at the county fair she rode a camel!

Happy day!

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