
Monday, March 24, 2014

planting some flowers

This winter (which is technically over) has been long,
we are all so looking forward to some real spring weather.
On Saturday, it was finally warm,
and I was motivated to add some spring touches to the backyard.

Since it is supposed to snow again tomorrow,
I was carefully to only put pansies on the shed wall (which can be put inside the shed)
and a few herbs (can be brought into the kitchen in case of hard weather)

A couple of years ago, I made over this part of the back yard (you can all about it here)
and it still look pretty good.

Now if we could get some warmer weather,
we could finally get on with the cherry blossom,
so far we are at "the green buds phase" according to the national park.

I could not finish this post without a real good spring picture,
 it is not from around here, but my parents' garden in France:

Happy day!

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