
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

chocolate fondant

Over the week end, we were invited to a party,
and since I am known for my love of baking,
everyone always expect me to bring some desserts...
and I would hate to disappoint anybody!

I found this recipe in a French book :
and it is super easy.
I used the baking mold that came with the book,
but any small mold would work fine.

They are  called "fondants au chocolat" as they melt in your mouth!

  4 oz of chocolate, baking bar (bittersweet, or semisweet)
7 1/2 Tbsp of butter (100g)
3 eggs
1/2 cup of sugar (100g)
1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp of flour (45g)

melt the butter and chocolate together,
mix eggs and sugar, then add the flour,
and finally the butter/chocolate mixture.
let it cool down
bake for 10-12 min at 350.

Enjoy warm or cold.
They are so little, it is hard to enjoy only one...

Happy Day!


  1. LOVE this! I'll definitely make this today. I have my own blog you might want to see. It's called~
    I love your blog, and I hope you love mine!
    ~Willow of Two Sisters

  2. Looks delicious, I'm intrigued about the texture, I'll have to try when I have time. Thanks for sharing

  3. Looks delicious, I'm intrigued about the texture, I'll have to try when I have time. Thanks for sharing

  4. thank you!
    yes they are delicious, and totally worth a try!


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!