
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

dolls at the vet

Miss C just purchased one of the new AG dogs,
and has made up a cute scene and story she wishes to share with you.
I made some nice scrubs for our 2 doctors,
I followed this tutorial from Arts and Crafts for your AG doll .
The panda ones was done exactly as described,
for the hedgehog, I cut the collar band on the bias.
Both are perfect for our vets!

" I love playing with this doll vet shop I made, it's so much fun.
 I am so happy my mom made all the furniture for me to play with!

here is a really fun craft I did with a chocolate bunny crate from Easter.
I also got a cute bunny for Easter, that Camille loves to play with.
I found a fun little fish tank where fishes grow when water is added.

               Here is the new dog I got! It has really good articulation. It is also a very BAD dog!
        (the new dog can hold a magnet in it's mouth and the clip-board I found has a magnet in the back)

Here I found two little buckets that make awesome bath tubs for the dogs. 
If you put tape on it you can take a x-bow marker and write on it!

And for a closer look at the new dog I got that I will call....:   Jewel!"

Happy day!


  1. Great trip to the vet and groomer. So very imaginative. Thank you.

  2. I like the fish tank idea! Very cute! :)


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!