
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

mason jar mug rug

I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest....
lots of beautiful pictures, too many temptations, not enough time,
for sure there is no way I can make all the things I pinned!
Sometimes, I like what I see so much, that I have to make it,
right away, like in the case of this cute mason jar block from "bee in my bonnet"
I had not sewed or quilted in a while,
so it was a great little project,
and there is always need for an extra mug rug!
I did not have the pattern, so I sort of winged it,
the jars are a little more square than I wanted, but it will do.

I like my mug rug extra wide, you know with space for a treat or something,
so I place the mason jars on the side and added a cute little label,
it was inspired by Amy's book: Sweetly stitched handmade, also known as Nana Company.

I just love the addition of the little label, now we shall see 
how it survives all the spilling that will happen...

Happy sewing!


  1. Your mug rug great. I also liked the idea of a big mug rug, "to treats...". Works like a plate but prettier.

  2. thank you, so glad to see that I am not the only one that enjoy them "large"!


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!