
Friday, April 22, 2016

upcycle outdonor dining table for Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!
My latest upcycle project feels very appropriate (to me) for this day:
from the bench of an old deck came this beautiful table!

I just finished rough sanding it,
it needs a little touch up with softer sand papers.

But I would like it to keep some of the old character and color difference
after all there are a lot of holes in the boards.
I will have to apply some kind of stain to protect the wood.

Obviously the top boards are not yet attached to the base,
I ran out of screws, and they will not be delivered for a few more days.
I am using a mix of boards: 2x6, 2x4 and 2x8.
I think it makes it more interesting, and also that is what I could get out of the benches!

I know, it is not quite finished, but it has great promising bones!
Our old table did not go to waste, we gave it to one of our neighbor
who was in need of one.

Now anybody interested in an old (but still good) trampoline?
I am ready to "let it go", but not Miss C.
 She still bounces on it from time to time but nothing like before.
And now that we cleaned a lot of the yard,
it still remains a little bite of a eye sore....


  1. Happy Earth Day! What a beautiful table! Great job! I can't believe that you made that out of pieces from an old deck! Awesome upcycle! :)

    ginnie /

  2. Thank you Ginnie, it is really coming along, I hope to have it totally finished by next week, if it stops raining!


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!