
Monday, August 1, 2016

some many WIP, nothing finished!

Wow, summer is going by fast,
July is already over!

I have been working a few projects,
nothing is actually finished....
maybe a little of attention deficit ,
or too many things to do!

Either way here are 2 pics of almost finished
sewing projects:

A sweet embroidery from les brodeuses parisiennes

and a nerdy scientific tote.

We also started a huge home project: the basement!
We are in the middle of tiring it down to the cinderblocks
and concrete slab, we took advantage that the kids were in France
visiting my parents to do a lot of dirty work, not fun!
Of course Miss C. and Brick Master had a grand time:
food, castle and grand parents,
does it get any better?!

For the basement, I hope to be done around Christmas,
it sounds like a reasonable timeline,
no One Room Challenge here!

Enjoy your summer!


  1. I'm glad that you have been having a good summer! It's been incredibly busy for us too! :)

    ginnie /

  2. Glad to hear you are having a good summer too, just a few more weeks before back to school!


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!