
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

art in the snow

Yesterday was a no school day,
we had snow for the last couple of days,
the kids were tired, it was time to find a nice indoor activity: art!

A couple of weeks ago, I found this great tutorial from Art Projects for Kids to paint a night wintry scene.
We went to work (it took us a while to set up the masking tape)
and here are the results:

Miss C.'s version: 
she played on the forest darkness (lighter near the moon, darker farther away),
she also added the evening star. 

Brick Master's version:
those tree went through some sort of event,
they are broken and rough!

and finally my version:
I need to take some tips from my children!

It was great fun to do art all together,
we definitively need to do that more often!

Happy day!

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