
Thursday, January 19, 2012

kitchen dream

For the last few posts, I showed you my kitchen work,
here what it looks like today.

I think it is a great middle ground,
after all we started from there:

actual pictures from the house brochure!
(they were not into furniture!)

but of course it is not where I would like it to be!
I have dreams and visions....
and yes I bring nervousness to Mon Cheri,
but usually he is cool with most of my ideas!
(and I do a lot of the work, perks of being the stay at home Mom!)

My goal in the near future is to remove the microwave.
To me, its locations is extremely dangerous,
the kids use it a lot and if the stove is hot or if there is something cooking,
they can easily get burned.
It is also really high for them to use safely.
When we did our previous kitchen remodel, we moved the microwave
inside a cabinet at counter height.

 Inside the big cabinet/armoire by the fridge.
Very easy to access and out of sight!

Here it is not possible to do such a thing,
but it can be relocated.

We have this corner, not especially attractive,
where we store the trash can and the dog food,
we do not have a garage, so it has to be in the kitchen!
I am planning on installing a shelf just above it
and install the microwave there.
It would address the awkwardness of the corner
and the easy access to the oven,
and potentially diminished the visibility of the trash cans!
With the microwave gone from the cabinet, it would light up
the area, all the black feels pretty heavy.
I would like to install in its place a fume hood,
perfect for lighting and cooking,
and more efficient!

But the really bold move that I envision is to paint the cabinets!
I think painting them white would bring a lot of light
and modernity to the kitchen.
I painted the old kitchen cabinets in our previous house
and installed them in the basement for the perfect craft room,
it was not too bad, of course we had a garage then
and it was not the actual kitchen anymore...

And I have been following Young House Love's kitchen redo,
and I am inspired to take on ours!
They even have a full tutorial on painting cabinets.
So yes it is totally a possibility.

I think I will first move the microwave
and keep on thinking about the painting,
it is after all a fairly large project,
remember: no garage, so all the work has to be done in the room!
Well I am off to installing a shelf!

Happy day!

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