
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

bonne annee

I took advantage of the new year
to do some cleaning:
rearrange closets and remove too small/old clothes.
My sister helped me, she explained to me that high school was 20 years ago
and it was time to lose that cardigan!
Yes I have a tendency to keep things a long time,
good quality can last, but it can also look dated.
So after working on my closet, Mon Cheri's, and the kids',
I tackled the sewing room, not so much to remove thing,
but to reorganize my fabric collection,
I had to find space for my Noel loot!

So far I have not used it, I am still at the drooling stage.

I have bought the paint for the kitchen,
I am ready to give it a fresh look!

I am not planning any resolution this year,
after thinking about it for quite some time,
I decided to add a new habit every month instead.
For January it is : a fruit at every meal.
I made this goal after reading this post by zen habits.
It seems like a reasonable way of life.

Happy New year!

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