
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

gold fish bag

Almost everyday, my kids get a zipblog bag for a little snack 
with their sandwich, drink and fruit.
So when I saw this idea from Sew Tara
I thought it would be perfect for the kids to take to school.

Doesn't it look just great with Miss C.'s lunch box?
The snack pouch was very fast to make, and the embroidery very easy,
I even did it in back stitch (I always use stem stitch, but this was so much faster!)

Miss C. is very happy about her little bag,
and Brick Master found it cool enough
that he would like me to make him one too!
May  be a little less girly!

Happy sewing!


  1. It looks great! Thank you so much for sending me the link!

  2. That makes such a nice set! I love the lunch bag too.
    I think I'll go click around here for a bit now :)

  3. That is soooo darling! Love the fish embroidered on the pouch. Does it was easily?


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!