
Friday, March 9, 2012

cub scout memorabilia cushion

My son loved being a cub scout when we lived in Ohio,
he had a great time, did many cool activities (like this ornament),
learnt lots of stuff, including shooting with a BB gun and a bow and arrow,
(big deal for a boy with an anti-gun mom!)
went to cub world for week long camps,
proudly walked on parade, shaking more hands than a politician on campaign!
And of course made great friends.

But when we moved to the DC area, he was not able to find the same thing,
 the same camaraderie, so after trying for many months to fit in, and long camping week ends,
he decided to leave the program and find somewhere else what he was looking for.

Brick Master had earned lots of badges during those years,
all held a lot of neat memories,
so I unstitched them from his red vest 
(of course they were stitched, not just ironed on!)
and make a memorabilia floor pillow with them.
I have not yet touch his blue shirt just in case he changed hid mind,
but I think soon it will be time to add these too.

I used a boxed edge pillow form 24 inch X 24 inch.
The pillow top where the badges are stitched is made of drop clothe,
the side and pipping are made of scout fabric,
and the bottom is a cotton from JoAnn with a camping/outdoor theme.
(same fabric then I used for Brick Master's pouch for vacation)
I did not put a zipper in, just some Velcro on one side of the pillow.

My son really enjoys his pillow, it perfect to seat on
or just read.

And in case you have wondering about the activity that was right for him,
the answer is karate!
It seems to provide the same joy, friendship and character building that cub scout
was for him before.
He is already a green belt and dreams of purple or blue!

(the order is: white, orange, yellow, red, green, purple, blue, blown, black)

Happy sewing!

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