
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

early mother's day present

This week end, I received my Mother's present,
I know you probably think it is too early,
but it could not wait!

I got a puppy!

There is no keeping that little girl in the box!
I might be partial but she is quite cute.
She is about 3 month old and a real trouble maker!

I took me a long time to be able to want a new puppy,
after Great Big Dog's departure, it was just too hard.
But with Black dog getting older and grayer (almost 12!)
it was time.
She is making his life very difficult, she is definitively a work in progress!
After more than 3 weeks at the shelter, there are a lot of things to work on....

The kids are delighted, they never had the chance to have a puppy,
our dogs were older than they were!

Now it is all play and sharp puppy teeth!

Any ideas on what kind of dog she is?
The shelter said lab mix, the vet thinks sheperd mix,
I guess we will know more as she gets older!

Happy day!

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