
Thursday, August 9, 2012

exploring the old Lucketts store

While both of the kids were at a sleepover last week end,
Mon Cheri and I went on a little road trip,
OK so it was just a large detour on the way to pick up the kids,
but still it was an adventure of sorts.
We went to Leesburg to explore the Old Lucketts Store
and the The Design House (it was opened last week end)

We started by visiting the Design House, it is always fun to check out home/store
where it is all put together.
All the rooms were interesting, they reminded me of Restoration Hardware store,
but less expensive and with more accessories (and warmth!)
Check out that dark moody ceiling! The sofas were impressive in style and size,
the texture was nice and they were quite comfy, I would need extra pillows (short legs!)

This room was another seating room with the opposite paint scheme: moody walls, light ceiling.

The chairs were in a linen blend and very interesting, Mon Cheri had to try them,
it was not his style but he said it would be the perfect chair to read stories to Miss C.
or snuggle with a puppy as Miss C. can read her own stories!

There were so many things to check out, lots of pillows, accessories
and French/vintage inspired objects.

My favorite part from the house?
Being the only one coming with a husband!
OK, not really, it was those curtains, they are a patchwork of printed/painted fabrics.
Because the base color of the fabrics is the same, it almost look like it made of one piece.
Which got me thinking, I could use some painting on my plain drop cloth curtains
making it a fake patchwork, funny thoughts for a quilter!

After enjoying visiting the Design House, we checked out the Old Lucketts Store,
it was pretty crowded and a little too overwhelming,
so after a quick visit, we retreated to the outdoor.

On our way out, we saw this table, I thought it was great,
and even Mon Cheri found it interesting,
so after all we found 2 items that "spoke" to us!

Did we purchase anything?
No, but we had a great time.
It is a place worth checking out, but make sure the kids are not with you,
and drive a small car, it will save you some money,
 if you cannot carry it home, you will not buy it!

Happy day!

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