
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

present for Baby K: doll diaper

Baby K will be turning two pretty soon,
which means she is now Toddler K!
I do not see my niece very often,
(she is in NY, we are in DC)
but I know she likes to play with her doll
(and the play book I made her last year!).

So I decided to make her some diapers and wipes for her doll.
I had made similar diapers for Miss C. a few years ago
and she had loved playing with them.

and like I did with Miss C.'s version,
I sewed a band of velcro at the top instead of the corners,
it can fit different baby sizes 
and it cut down on sewing (no need to close the top opening!).

So diapers are good, but one really wipes to do a good job,
some baby dolls can really be dirty sometimes!
I must admit it might be the fastest project ever,
but it is so cute!
I used fleece for the outside,
I cut it with a rotary cutter with a wavy blade 
(it is weirdly hard to cut straight with it!)
and flannel for the actual wipes.
I folded them inside neatly, and they come out one at a time,
it is just so cool. I am sure it will not remain this way,
but it is too much fun to resist!

Wanna see me my niece?
here she is with Miss C.:

Happy sewing!

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