
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 24: pet and Santa's hat, the final day!

This is it, the final of our American Girl doll calendar!
Today we celebrate Christmas and the arrival of Saige's new pet!
Of course he came with his own Christmas hat!
This cute dog is from Build-A-Bear, Miss C. loves their little dogs,
so I thought it would be the perfect addition to the final countdown.
Saige also received a hat, I followed this tutorial for the Santa hat,
I reused the fabric from an old Christmas hat to make both of the hats,
they will look perfect with the Disney hat Miss C brought back from our trip.
Well my friends, Saige, Miss C. and I wish you all a Merry Christmas,
and lots of fun time playing with dolls!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas!
    Your scene has grown and is quite lovely. The little tea set on the mantel is my favorite.
    Congratulations on the new puppy - he's adorable.


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!