
Sunday, November 22, 2015

German glass glitter workshop with Ms Mustard Seed

This week end, I was able to attend a cool workshop on German glass glitter
with Ms Mustard Seed at her studio in Pennsylvania.

I know, 2 week ends in a row!
Last week end was a teaser compare to this week end.
But first the studio:

Alright, so those pics are not very good,
but you can see here the nice version: decorating the studio

It was still really fun to see everything myself.

We were only 4 people doing the workshop:
Jane, Amy, Sharon and I,
but we were joined by Kim, Marian's mom, Kriste and of course Marian.
It was very low key and good fun.
We had a lot of stuff to work with: pine cones, houses, chipboard letters, ornaments....
more on our choices here: day at the studio

The 2 hours went by super fast.
here are some of the work we did,
I wish I could show my work better but we are not getting our tree until next week end,
and ornaments without tree are kind of sad....

The top left corner is mine, no gold for me, but a brick house!

The fun did not stop there,
we left with a goody bag with our name glittered,
and a kit to make a merry and bright banner!

from Ms Mustard Seed

Miss C. is excited about next week end,
we will have time to work on it together,
glitter is fun, but with mother-daughter team, glitter should be even better!

Happy day!

1 comment:

  1. HI Morgane! Love your blog, Love your posts! Had such a great time creating together at Miss Mustard Seeds.....will visit often! Merry Christmas....Amy


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!