
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Holiday expo and show

Yesterday I went to a Holiday expo and show just outside of DC,
it was fun and a great distraction for my troubled heart.
You see, while I have spent the last 19 years here in the US,
I am very much French, and Friday night events have been difficult to watch.
It happened close to my sister's neighborhood, increasing my stress
until I remembered she was out of town for the week end.
Probably like a lot of people, I spent most of the night watching the news,
receiving emails, texts and phone calls from friends wondering about my family and friends.
As far as I know, everyone is OK.

I had heard about this Holiday expo through Ms Mustard Seed blog,
as she was a guest speaker there.
I have been following her blog for many years, but it was my first time
seeing her, and doing one of her little workshops:
a cute glittery ornament:

We used German glass glitter and milk paint, 2 first at once!

I went with a couple of my girlfriends who are neither crafters nor bloggers,
and I was teased "mercilessly" for taking pictures of Marian, and our work!

During the show part of the day, I was not able to take pictures of anything,
but if you are interested in the table setting that Ms Mustard Seed for the event,
it is here on her blog


from her blog

My friends and I enjoyed the event, everything was perfect,
and over the top, like this table:

all decorated in white and gold,
 While it did say "do not touch display" before the show,
we were able to enjoy the treats after the show!

For a few hours, I only thought about pretty things,
it was exactly what I needed.

Please keep my people in your thoughts.

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  1. glad everyone is ok in your family. My heart breaks for your country, I know how hard it is to be so far away from the ones you love when something like this happens.
    I love your pics form your workshop i bet that was lots of fun

  2. Thank you Rosa, my sister was in your country went it happened!
    Do you remember the quilting workshop we used to go together?
    Miss you


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!