
Friday, December 11, 2015

poinsettia gift tag

This year, I have made very few handmade presents,
the kids are too old, I do not have enough time,
the list goes on...
But even in the case of a purchase gift, 
I  like to add a home-sewn touch,
like a this beautiful poinsettia gift tag:

It better not be thrown away with the wrapping paper!
I have always admired Amy's tag, ans this year they were also in BHG magazine,
so I made a few poinsettia ones, using some red fabric for the flower
and some linen for the tag.
The layering of the felt, fabric and linen is just perfect!
I made a few other ones, simpler but just as charming:
a deer with a little jingle bell,
a gingerbread man with pearl buttons,
and a sparkling Christmas tree.

Happy crafting!

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