
Thursday, December 10, 2015

hot cocoa station

Just after decorating the Christmas tree,
the kids asked how we were decorating the hot cocoa station,
it had become a tradition, and something they truly enjoyed!
Many times I need to refill the chocolate and marshmallow...
After a long day at school, nothing says welcome home
like hot cocoa, even if you have to make it yourself!
It is at the same location as the last few years, a cute little vignette
as the kids enter the kitchen:

To change it a little, I used a different picture, 
this truck and tree print is a free download from Everyday Enchanting.
Because my frame and mat were too big for the size of the print,
I added some plaid wrapping paper behind it.

No cocoa station would be ready without chocolate (on the balance) 
or candy canes, or even sauces….
it is so perfect on the whip cream if you are not a marshmallow person!

But the most important part: cookies!
I do not drink much hot cocoa, but I will help myself to a few treats,
Especially those buttery Scottish ones….
They are even in a plaid box, it was meant to be!

Here is last year version:

Winter is coming, enjoy some cocoa...
Happy day!


  1. Love your cocoa station. I had never seen one before and loved it! perhaps I'm going to steal the idea and make one of my own, because it looks so cozy and welcoming home!! XOXO

  2. thank you! it is fun to have at home, for little kids and grown ups too!
    hope it works for you too


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!