
Monday, December 7, 2015

a simple Christmas tree

We always decorate the Christmas tree as a family event,
 even the teenagers are still interested!
And this year again, we managed to purchase it all together, 
we only went to Home depot, just around the block, but still I am pleased we did it together!
And almost not complaining, much better than a few people we saw there...

This year, I wanted something a little different,
and less of the “let’s throw all the ornaments we have collected over the year on the tree”! 
But still not a designer tree where all the ornaments match and everything is so perfect.
 I still enjoy teenager participation so some free expression must be part of the tree, 
that and the dog steals ornaments on the lower branches!
I am quite happy with how it turned out:

Not perfect, but more refined than usual, still very much us.
I had seen on quite a few trees some ribbons and I always wanted to try, 
well this year, I actually tried it, and I think it adds a nice touch to the tree and color scheme.
I also temporary changed curtains, I used our winter bedroom curtains,
I love the red behind the tree, but with green wall, it is quite intense!

The new tree topper is good especially after I put German glass glitter
during myworkshop with Ms Mustard  Seed!
But what made it even better was putting some light inside, the top was too dark otherwise.
 It was easy to stuff some lights between the weaves of wood.

We still managed to put a lot of family ornaments that we have had for a long time,
 some from last year, like the paper star ornament and , 
and of course some from this year like the British ornaments,
 and my new PB Eiffel tower ornament from my mood board
 (I had one a few years ago, but after a tree crash, it had been broken, 
lesson learned: put a big weight at the back of the base of the tree!)

The rest of the house has a long way to go before it is ready,
but there are still 17 days before the main event,
plenty of time to decorate!

Happy Day!

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