
Saturday, January 30, 2016

puppy quilt: finished!

During the snowzilla, I made 6 puppy blocks
After spending a couple days at home sewing,
we had to go back to work and reality...
But I was able to steal some time here and there
and set my puppy blocks into a simple quilt:

My first quilt of the year and we are still in January!

I love how it turned out,
it is fun and modern, and very kid friendly!
The puppy print was my inspiration, just the right level of cuteness.

I set the blocks so that the puppy heads are floating,
with a same color sashing,
simple but perfect for the boldness of the heads.

It is fun to look at them and think of dogs we know that look like them,
it turns out we can name most dogs,
the top black dog could totally be Malou!
The backing is a matching print to the front puppy head, but this time with full body.
Since the quilt was a little too wide, I added a band of motorcycle print,
don't you know it totally makes sense?

I will be sending this quilt to my nephew for his second birthday
For his first Christmas, I made him a puppy book,
so I am keeping the theme!

Happy sewing!

Sew Fresh Quilts

Fresh Poppy Design


  1. I love how cute your puppy quilt turned out, Morgane! Those prints for the top and bottom and for the backing add interest and really make those pups perky. Hope you nephew loves it!

  2. How cute this is for your nephew! I love it!

  3. thank you ladies, it was really the perfect pattern for these fabrics,I have to wait another month before giving it away, I really hope my nephew likes it!

  4. Adorable! Great pattern; fabulous execution!


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!