
Saturday, October 29, 2016

a much cooler Cinderella

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays,
it is all about eating sweet, dressing silly and
hanging out with friends.
Over the 20 years I have been here, I have always celebrated
at least once, every year (up to 4 times in graduate school!).
I have quite a few costume that I made over the years,
I reused and repurposed most of them.

This year, I am revisiting my Cinderella costume.
I sewed it about 7 years ago when Miss C. was still in preschool,
and was dressing up as a princess most days.
It was a very traditional Cinderella dress, all blue.

I wore it with a big petticoat (actually the one from my wedding!),
gold shoes, white gloves and a blue headband.

(wasn't she the cutest?!)
Well this year, I am going with a steampunk version!
I find steampunk so interesting and fun,
it can be quite dark, but I like
my Halloween campy and not scary!

So I literally pulled up my skirt and petticoat (thanks to some useful sewing clamps),
put on some boots and heavy socks with a little lace details,
and that took care of the bottom half of the dress.

Then I added big black belts, one at the waist,
the other across my upper body.
I attached a few accessories to these belts: my grandpa's pocket watch,
an ostrich feather purse and a fan.

(if you have read "Waistcoats and weaponry " by Gail Carriger,
 you know a fan is a weapon! Miss C. is reading the series and truly enjoys it)
No steampunk is complete without gloves, so I put on my Vivienne Westwood leather gloves, 
there is even a cute embroidery on them 
(I purchased them about 25 years ago)

I added my original black neck ribbon and glitzy earrings.

All dressed up and nowhere to go?
So I hosted the party.....
Come back tomorrow to check it out!
"update: it is here"

Happy Halloween

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