
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

improving the patio

With the arrival of summer and of the new puppy,
I have been spending a lot of time outside,
working on many projects,
small and large.

Our backyard is much smaller than our previous one (see here and here),
(but larger than our first house!)
(I do not have to spend 2-3h mowing twice a week!)
it is pleasant, mostly in the shade,
with a large deck (old but still OK)

On one side of the yard, there is the shed,
convenient but not aesthetically pleasing.
So I decided to "fix" it
and I was totally inspired by this post by Making Lemonade.

Doesn't it look like the perfect place to sit down and read a fun book?

Here is where I started:

basically a blank wall, with terrible baseboard,
as it is actually baseboard, not good for the outside and the amount of rain we get here!

So I purchased some trellis and painted the house accent color: grey
( I also repainted all the doors of the house, from a weird green to a dark grey)
and some pressure treated 1 x 6 for the baseboard, a lot more substantial than the previous tiny board!

The trellis were screwed into the wall of the shed,
and just like Making Lemonade, I hanged IKEA pots
with flowers. I would love to grow herbs there too,
but we get so little sun right there....

 I figure the best way to have a herb garden right there,
was to make it "movable"! I can move the pots in the sun and still enjoy the view against the shed
And also it allows me the possibility of larger plants, we go trough a lot of basil!

And finally here it is all together, with paint and flower!

Another great perk of this patio makeover is that we can enjoy it
also from the inside, as our seating room as view to this part of the patio!

So here is the before and after:

I am quite pleased with the outcome!

Happy day!

Thrifty Decor Chick

Making Lemonade

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It looks like such a cozy spot to sit and read. Isn't it amazing what a few plants will do to a bare wall? Thank you SO much for sharing, I'll be putting this on my Facebook page as well!
    Carrie (Making Lemonade)


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!