
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

first aid pouch and first day of school

Yesterday was the first day of school,
we prepared for it by enjoying the summer to its fullness,
which means very little sewing done for me!
Lat year, I made a lunch box and a pencil pouch for the kids...
Well this year, I just made them first aid pouch:

I followed this tutorial from A Spoonful of Sugar.
The top one is a much more masculine version that the ones presented on the tutorial!
This line is Mechanical Genius, so perfect for big boys.

The other one is girly as it should be, the main fabric is Dress Up Days (Riley Blake Designs).
Inside, they can find a couple band-aids, lip balm and a treat,
most little emergencies require chocolate!

And here are the kids are their way to the first day of school:

No more picture together,
Brick Master started middle school and leaves before Miss C. wakes up!
She is in 3rd grade this year, and loves to walk the puppy to school.
Of course she loves it too!

Happy day!

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