
Sunday, February 2, 2014

blogganniversary and a dolly dress form

Today marks this little blog 4th anniversary.
I am pleased to see where it has taken me:
I have "met" many people and made new friends.

I have been doing some blog cleaning and found a post I started in early 2010
about a doll dress form, I guess I totally forgot about it!
It seems very appropriate right now as there is a beautiful dress form in Isabelle's studio,
I am sure many girls are interested but few can purchased this expensive furniture/accessories set.

Miss C. received Saige for Christmas from her grandparents.
As artists, they both can switch from painting to sewing.
Miss C. has been using her doll sewing machine and little bookcase for many years.

This dress form has been on my sewing room all this time,
displaying a Middle Age inspired dress
that I worked on way before the movie "Brave" was released.

While I will miss it in my sewing space,
I feel Miss C. is ready to really enjoy it.

Well enough talking, let's get down to doing!
So here is what I started with:

a 5/8 inch rod
a 5 x 7 inch plaque from Micheals (less than $1)
a finial from Lowes (may be a little large!)
some leftover muslin/cotton

I started with cutting the rod to 15 inch 
(shorter might be better may be just 12 inch instead),
 and priming the wood.
Then I found the middle of the base, drilled a hole and attached the base to the rode.

I took one of the dolls, measuring her and making a pattern of her body.

I stuffed it with poly before putting on the rod.

Once it was on the rod, I stuffed it so more
and secure the opening with some glue
so it would not move on the rod.

I finally screwed in the painted finial.

And there it is, with Saige, ready for some sewing fun.

Happy sewing!

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