
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Day 2 and day 3: tree decorations and stockings

the room is starting to take shape, but still looks pretty bare.

Time to open more of the advent calendar....

On day 2, Miss C. received some ornaments to decorate her tree
and a little snow globe.
(I purchased all of them)

On day 3, Miss C. found stockings to hang on the fireplace.

I sewed some simple stockings, following this template.
I fused some striped cotton fabric to craft felt and sewed around,
and made a little loop with embroidery floss in the corner.
I also made one out of faux fur,
and I had to make a mitten with a snow flake,
a mini version of my famous mittens!

 Now the room is really coming together.
Let's see what comes up next...
Happy crafting!


  1. They look perfect! I love the fire in the fire place too, looks so cozy now. I can't wait to see tomorrows!

  2. Thank you Sharon, Miss C. used the "fire" I made for Kaya a few years ago:
    it adds a warm touch to the place!

  3. Great pictures and I love the stockings by the fire.

  4. Thank you Melody, I was a little concerned about fire safety, but it turned out just fine!


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!