
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

gratin dauphinois for Mardi Gras

For Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday (literal translation!)
it is customary to eat rich food,
and to me nothing days rich food like gratin dauphinois:
cheese, cream butter and potatoes....
what's not to like?

It is easy to make but takes a long time to bake,
it is perfect to keep the house and you warm,
especially with a new snow storm on our steps.

And while it is cooking, have a little hurricane cocktail,

and for dessert, a little rum cake to keep the theme.

But, first let's go back to our delicious potatoes:
thinly sliced potatoes
a little butter to grease the pan
shredded Swiss cheese
salt,pepper, nutmeg
(garlic if you must)

alternate potatoes, cheese and seasoning,
cover in cream
sprinkle more cheese on the top
bake for 1h30 at 375, or until the potatoes are cooked.
enjoy in moderation or not!

Happy Mardi Gras!

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