
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

mini Rapunzel and a trunk

Yesterday I showed you the 2 outfits I made
for Miss C's dolls,
well the same doll is back to show you what I won recently:

I rarely entered giveaway, but I was really interested
I was not disappointed, it is beautiful,
thank you again Char!

So cute, just the perfect gift for Miss C.
Then I realized I had to make more doll clothes,
fancy doll clothes!

I went with a Rapunzel outfit!
After making a big Rapunzel gown, I had everything
to sew a mini version!

Here are the clothes getting out of the trunk,

and Rapunzel in all her glory!
(with Long Nose, Miss C. has a way with naming dogs!)

I made it a lot simpler than the Cinderella dress from 2 years ago.
I used the same pattern than for the witch costume from last year,
for the top and corset.

The skirt is just made of a width of fabric, with an elastic at the waist
and some lace at the bottom.
It is a 3-piece outfit, very easy to put on and off,
the fabrics are leftover from Miss C.'s costume,
so exactly the same!
I used the velvet only for the corset, instead of the entire bodice
of the dress.

I hope she likes it,
at least the dolls and I had fun making it,
the dogs seem OK with it too!!!

Happy sewing!

A Crafty Soiree

1 comment:

  1. I love the corset and would love to make one, did you design the pattern yourself?


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!