
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

It will be a Champagne Christmas

I started collecting some "treasures" to decorate for Christmas!
It is still too early to decorate my house or the tree,
there are birthdays and anniversary before Thanksgiving...

When we went to Lucketts to view this year decorations,
it became clear that I was in the mood for something different:
I am dreaming of a Champagne Christmas!

We always have champagne on Christmas so no change there....
but I mean Champagne color Christmas tree and decor!

A little like the collage from Lucketts:

cream, gold, shiny and light touch of pink,
with some rustic touches of courses!

It is a large departure from my red orientated Christmas tree and decor
from the past:

1)-tree from 2015 Christmas,2)- inspiration board
3)- Christmas quilt 2014, 4)- tree skirt 2013
5)- deer pillow 2012, 6)-tree from 2014, 7)- mini tree from 2012

So no red this year, I am not sure how it will work out,
but everybody seems to be on board,
there is always potential rebellion when ornaments are hanged on the tree.

So to prepare for this year, I purchased some new decorations:

various gold plastic balls, some pinkish glass balls,
a super cute glass acorn garland (from Lucketts),
an Eiffel tower (oui oui we need one!),
some natural touch like the pine cones and the antler,
some other ornaments like the fox medallion, the heavy jingle bell.
And of course ribbons, some for the tree, others for the presents.
I am also sewing a new tree skirt with cream velvet and fake fur....

I am hopping everything turns out as I see it in my head...

Happy sewing!


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!