
Thursday, December 8, 2016

stitching body parts

It is the time of the year when sewing as to remain
kind of secretive....
but for this part, I can share:

legs and arms of upcoming deer!
(not as scary as the title may let you to believe)

This year I am making again some Dandelion doe,
just like last year.

Here are the four deer I made last Christmas:

the one on the left was for my mom (here),
the one on the right was for my sister (here).

the one on the left was for my niece K (here)

and this last deer was for my mother in law (here).

So if you wanted one last year and did not get one,
may be this year is your year!

This season, they do not need to travel,
so I am taking my time sewing them.
There is a fair amount of hand sewing,
and since I am done with my intense cross stitching advent calendar,
it has become my new evening activity.
I will share them as I finish them,
but I am planning on keeping one for me!

Happy sewing!

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