
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

calendar quilt

Well I did! I took my Fall dolls,
and their houses/school. Here they are all together on this beautiful quilt.
And I love it, so fun!

Since all the dolls and appliques were just fused to the background,
I stitched and quilted it all at the same time,
as I have for many other applique quilts.

Here is fall, all quilted, with two trees and a house.

I quilted some extra details in the background, to make it more interesting
and also to keep it flat.

Then we have winter with his trees and a house.

I hand embroidered the leash of the dog.

Then it is Spring time with one tree and the school,

the tail of the kite is also hand embroidered, 
more texture is added with the quilting (clouds, trees).

Finally we have summer with trees and a house,

and of course the shop for school clothes.

For the back, I pieced the blue and green border fabric from the front,
and added a cherry print.

The quilt is finished with a simple black binding.

I have sent this quilt to my niece K, the one with the dolls book from a few years ago.
Apparently she loves it!
It does not get any better.
Happy sewing!

sharing at Quilt Story


  1. Wow! So much work, and it turned out so awesome!! I love it! I just love the attention to the details, and the little dolls are just so sweet! Great job! :) I sew a little, but this is way out of my range. You are so talented!

    ginnie /

    1. thank you so much! I had fun making it and I know my niece is enjoying it, does not get better for a quilter!
      The good part of quilt is it is mostly straight lines, much easier than making clothes.

  2. Oh my gosh, what a cute quilt!!! So detailed!! Love it!!! Olivia


Merci pour vos commentaires, I will get back to you as soon as I can!