Here are the last ten blocks of my farm quilt:
Most of the patterns are from the "farm girl vintage"
by Lori Holt,
except this little turkey:
Lori had a tutorial for it on her blog:
It is cute and childish, perfect for this quilt!
but let's get back to the book:
a little basket,
a sunflower,
a flower stem,
and some threads!
These next 2 blocks are also from Lori,
but from individual patterns.
Soon I think they also will be in her new book:
a sweet pink kitty (a memory for my sister!)
and a cow of course,
lots of cows where we grew up!
For mother's day, I received a new quilting book:
"spelling bee"
which is the perfect addition to my farm quilt,
the blocks are also 6 x 6.
So I choose the globe,
which I will embroider with a map of the US and Europe,
and a little butterfly.
My last block is this Dala horse from Moda Bake Shop
not really farmish,
but ideal for a little girl born is Scandinavia.
I previously made a cute little bag with this block:

So here are all my 35 block:
now it is time to assemble the top,
quilt and bind it
and all of the details....
Happy sewing!

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